We are on always keen to discuss with like minded individuals and discuss potential job opportunities at P1 Security.

Securing Operators and Nation-states Critical Mobile Infrastructure
We have put signalling vulnerabilities on the map in 2009 (on SS7 specifically) and we have been pushing since then to help secure critical infrastructure with a rather good success. For this we need specialists. Smart, dedicated professionals.
What we believe in
Our customers and partners are relying on us to deliver security to the subscribers. We owe them to be excellent at what we do. We owe excellence to our colleagues too.
We are being trusted with sensitive information, materials, accesses. Trust is a gift that we share.
We are accountable of what we say, deliver, and advise. We own our scopes, tasks and responsibilities internally and externally and provide a lot of freedom in line with our values.

You want to have impact?
If you have a technical expertise on mobile networks like 5GC SBA Core, Open RAN, UPF, SEPP and/or security, reverse engineering, redteam, exploit coding then we want to hear from you ! But also for any non technical, support functions or internships.